Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Wow... Summer has pretty much come and gone...  I have had the pleasure of taking some amazing peoples photos this summer.  The best way to see these are to go to FACEBOOK and like Studio Pop Hair and Photography.... This is turning out to be the best way to allow clients to view these pictures and share them with their friends and family immediately.  So I hope you have a FACEBOOK account or are going to get one now!!!! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Time!!!

We have waited... and waited... and WAITED!!  Summer is finally just about here.  I am excited to be out there taking lots of pictures OUTSIDE!!  Of course I am making alot of my clients blonde and brighter for summer as well.  I am offering $10 off outdoor sessions this weekend! In addition.. 50%off color and cut combos Saturday as well as $10 off women cuts and $5off all others...